Friday, January 18, 2008

Easy To Follow Tips To Waterproof Your Deck

Easy To Follow Tips To Waterproof Your Deck

One thing that always makes a homeowner proud is a newly finished deck. And for a few months it may look very good. However, if you have not had your deck waterproofed, your deck could end up being a very ugly addition to your home. If you want your deck to be around for a long time, then waterproofing it is absolutely essential. Without waterproofing, than cracking and warping can occur, and that means your deck will not be very far from destruction. Fortunately, waterproofing doesn’t have to be very difficult.

The very first thing to do to waterproof your deck is to give it a very thorough cleaning. Now, usually the best time for one to start waterproofing the deck is to start right after you build the deck. However, cleaning it off is the first thing to do if you do not have the option of starting right away. You should start the cleaning process is to sweep off any and all debris that may be on the deck. Then remove any furniture that may be on the deck. Once all of the debris and furniture is removed, you can go to your local hardware store and purchase a cleaning solution. You can employ the use of a pump sprayer to apply the cleaning agent to the deck. It will eventually start to foam, and at that point you should start to scrub the deck with a scrub brush that has stiff bristles. The bristles will give a little extra muscle to remove any stubborn stains that may be left on there, especially ones from soot or grease. After scrubbing, rinse the deck off as thoroughly as possible with a garden hose. It’s a good idea to wear eye protection of some kind in order to keep any grit from the deck out of your eyes.

Now, after the deck has had time to dry, there are two options available. If the wood is more or less new, you have the option to put a new stain on it. If you do not want a new stain, then now is the time to apply water sealant onto the deck in order to protect the wood. Applying the sealant is best done with a sprayer or roller. The deck should dry completely after a few days, and then it should be alright to walk on it without worrying about damaging any of the sealant.

Yes You Can Detect Mold With Light

There is almost nothing that plagues one’s house quite as badly as the pest called mold. Mold is usually very easy to find, because more often than not it is brightly colored and absolutely hideous. However, not all molds are as easy to detect. Some mold is actually very well hidden from the naked eye. There are a few types of molds, such as members of Penicillium sp. and Aspergillus sp. groups, which are capable of being next to invisible. However, it is not impossible to find these molds. In fact, you can use one of the simplest objects in your house to your advantage. A flashlight.

While it may sound simplistic enough to use a flashlight to find mold, there is a trick to it. Using the flashlight will not help you to detect the mold unless you shine it in the right way. You cannot simply shine the light directly on the surface where you suspect mold, because you will most likely see absolutely nothing. Instead, you must shine the light along the surface. Doing this will make the difference between getting rid of the mold or just using up battery power for nothing.

Mold is very tricky because it likes to hide in little areas that are difficult to get to without tools. One of these places is inside wooden paneling. Using the light along the paneling can show whether or not the paneling is buckled and in need of removal or replacement. There may be drywall or perhaps even a cavity behind the drywall because some people like to replace water damage drywall with paneling.

Moisture does not exactly mean that there is mold in the area, but this does not mean that you should neglect to look in areas where there is moisture. This is because it will help you realize that mold has the potential to grow in almost every single area in your home. It will also teach you that the mold can especially grow in the places you cannot see it. It is very much like the phrase “knowing is half of the battle.” In this case, knowing can make the difference between a house devoid of mold and a house infested with mold. If you do not know how to find mold, then you cannot combat it.

Do not just look for the black mold that you may constantly hear about. You should know that some black molds are merely cosmetic and if you don’t have the mold tested to confirm whether or not it is dangerous, you could end up wasting thousands of dollars.

A Couple of Great Ways To Reduce Mold

While you can certainly prevent mold by preventing moisture problems in your home from developing, there is an extra level of protection or two available that you can take and they will serve not only to remove mold spores from the air in the home, but also to remove other particles that can cause problems for those who have respiratory illnesses, asthma, and allergies. The answer is in the HEPA filter.

HEPA filters are a kind of filter that is put into vacuum cleaners and air purifiers that will get rid of around 97.3% of all particles in the air, including dust mites, mold spores, pet dander, and etcetera that are down to 0.3 microns in size. This is really the cleanest air that you will probably ever breathe and you can have it inside your house in both of these appliances. Smoke from cigarettes and other types of particles need to be removed from the indoor air supply because of the amount of time that people are spending in their homes and offices these days instead of outside, where air circulates much more easily. Since this is where people are spending most of their time now, the air supply needs to remain as clean as possible not only to help with breathing difficulties, but also to stop odors and mold growth from developing.

A HEPA filter in a vacuum cleaner is great because it pulls all of the particles out of your carpet that cause odors and allergic reactions and captures them in the filter, while expelling clean air back into your home.

An air purifying system that has a HEPA filter can also be purchased for a few hundred dollars or more, depending on the size of the residence you need to service. Each purifier has a certain amount of square footage of indoor space that it can filter effectively.

These are a couple of appliances that you can purchase to help stop the mold growth in your home, but the practice of preventing water leaks and humidity problems in the home should not go away just because you have purchased these. Your new HEPA filters cannot do the job alone. Another thing that you can do that involves moving air is installing exhaust vents in the humid rooms of your home like the bathroom and the kitchen. These do not expel clean air back into your house, but they do take humid and hot air out, reducing the amount of water absorbed by ceilings and upper walls.